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About Chessie removing people from meetup

From: Luigi
Sent on: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 11:58 AM
Hi guys

Just a personal thought about the behaviour of the new organiser of the London and Fashion Modeling Network, Chessie.

Enough is enough.

I met her when I was a member of another meetup she was running. I partecipated to a couple of events.
Unfortunately she showed pretty soon, loud and clear, the  kind of person she is. At least to me.
She was bossing people around with a lot of stupid rules, abusing models making them posing since early morning just for her and then for the others members (20 photographers) in the afternoon. Problem is: we paid 10 pounds for 5 minutes of their modeling time and she had for free hours of shooting and the model releases. For example, groups of 6 photographer and 1 model were left in Liverpool street without a clue, and just 30 minutes to take pictures. This is clearly useless and unfair.
When I complained, giving the feedback she was asking for, I have been immediately removed from the meetup and my comment deleted.
Any member should feel free to give honest feedback without being removed, this is the essence of the correct working of a meetup, and, I'd say, of society in general.
She was just afraid that other people could awake and realise that the events were not really worth the money spent.

She is doing the same with this meetup, London Fashion and Modelling. Like me many of you have been removed without a reason.
Not being active is not a reason: you could join and wait for an event you really like and need, or just reading to the mailing list.
She is removing people that could cause her some problem telling the truth, or competing with her.

I think this behaviour is very unfortunate and unacceptable, and a bad example of how a meetup should be run.
I left feedback, even negative, in other meetup, for example the alternative photography, and I have never been removed. If there is a problem you just talk to me.
If you want to be treated like sheeps, keep going to her events.

Am I the only one to feel crossed by this?


Luigi Clemente
20 Roding Mews
E1W2JN London UK
Email [address removed]

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