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New Meetup:9/18 - Summertime Dancing - Highway 99 Blues Club Seattle Waterfront

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Monday, August 31, 2009, 6:35 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Get up Get on Out!

What: Summertime Dancing - Highway 99 Blues Club Seattle Waterfront

When: September 18,[masked]:30 PM

Highway 99 Blues Club
1414 Alaskan Way
Seattle, WA 98101

East Coast Swing at? Want to learn how to dance East Coast Swing? We'll teach you during the first hour if you'd like. We'll take the time from when the band starts at about 9pm until 10pm to teach any of you that want to learn the East Coast Swing, it's fun, it's easy. Want to listen to some great music? Come join us at the Highway 99 Blues Club, it's in an old brick building under the viaduct, just across the street from the Seattle Aquarium. Admission/Cover Charge is $12 and seating on a Friday night can be a bit limited.
I'll give you my cell #, but it doesn't work inside the club. Cell #[masked]. We'll have a bicycle light (flasher) on the table so you can find us.

The bands are:

THE DUDLEY TAFT BLUES OVERKILL brings a little bit of Texas blues infused with some Mississippi Delta, sprinkled with a hint of British Invasion, served up with Northwest Rock sensibility.
THE BLUES ORBITERS is a 2-time Washington Blues Society "Best Band" nominee with an energetic blend of Chicago, Texas, and West Coast blues styles, with excursions into country blues and jazz.

Hope to see you there - Saul

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