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New Meetup: Hike Tuck and Robin Lakes

From: Ruth
Sent on: Friday, September 4, 2009, 6:06 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Get up Get on Out!

What: Hike Tuck and Robin Lakes

When: September 7,[masked]:30 AM

Ravenna Park and Ride
65th st, and 8th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98115

Hike to Tuck and Robin Lakes on Labor Day, Monday, Sep.7th. Would anyone like to go for this hike on the dry side of the mountains, in the Teanaway/Salmon le Sac area? I've heard it's beautiful.
We could meet at the Ravenna park and ride (65th. st.) at 7:30 AM and carpool from there. I have a car and could carry 3 people. I think I could make it over the bumpy roads, though I don't have a suburu.

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