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Black Singles Matter Meet-up(24+)

Photo of kwaku
Hosted By
kwaku .
Black Singles Matter Meet-up(24+)


# About this event

Black Singles Matter Meetup is a great way to find and connect with other Black Singles that you might otherwise never cross paths with. The advantage of attending an event is that you get to mix and mingle with lots of other single Black Singles in one evening and expand your network. And if you spark with someone, you can simply exchange details and arrange to meet up again.

London's best hosted and most successful black Singles Meetup event. Run by single people, for single people, we love making real life connections.

Welcome to Black Single Matter Meetup Event. The best hosted and most welcoming singles black event in London. We know everyone is sick of dating apps and meeting online so we want to give black singles the chance to meet other black singletons in a relaxed and safe environment. We know what makes a great party and we’ve designed our events to help people make the most of the night and meet someone special.

Everyone will be there for the same reason. To have a really fun night and hopefully meet someone they’d like to see again. And yes singles events can be nerve wracking. That’s why we will have we will have our fantastic hosts on hand to help everyone feel welcome, whether you come alone or with friends we guarantee to make introductions throughout the night and keep the networking going.

We also know it’s a numbers games, that’s why we always ensure an equal male to female ratio at all of our events.
Who Are We

Black Singles Matter isn't your regular dating events company. Why? Because regular date events suck. Trust us, we've been to them, a lot, so we thought it was time to give Londoners what they deserve. Really fun, really well organised - and most importantly - really successful dating events.
For those looking for love nowadays, dating apps are tedious and frustrating. Dating websites are too time consuming. As for approaching someone in a bar, this isn't 2002 anymore.

Live, in-person, real events with real people are the best way to meet a lot of people all looking for that special someone, in a short amount of time while having a really fun night in the process.

Meeting people and finding love should be a fun and exciting experience. We think that's been lost, so our mission is to recharge the romance and create that spark that can only happen between two people meeting face-to-face. If you attend our events we hope you'll feel we are succeeding.

Connect with like-minded black singles in a laid back environment. Online dating is time consuming, so get offline! Make genuine connections and have fun.

Oh yeah, it’s that good
Whether you're looking for a new friend or a potential date, our events give you the tools you need to expand your circle. We make the process enjoyable so you can connect with like-minded people near you with ease.

What to expect
We choose a popular local venue and throw a party. Event hosts facilitate the events and create a welcoming environment. Our most popular events are happy meet-up social mixers, and speed dating. Food and drink are available for purchase, see the event details for more information.

These events offer single black professionals the opportunity to meet like-minded people and expand their social circle. Each event offers a unique structure and theme so you can choose where you feel most comfortable. The casual, friendly atmosphere at each event makes it easy to socialize. Choose an event that sounds right for you, show up, and meet some new friends!

Better than online dating!
Most of us have tried dating apps or sites and know how time consuming and frustrating it can be. It is virtually impossible to gauge chemistry by looking at pictures or reading a profile. You may spend weeks chatting with someone online only to learn that you don't connect in person.

We think going out and socialising is much more fun than wasting time swiping and messaging. Our events allow you to get a feel for the connection right away, because we value your time! Come join us so you can finally say goodbye to worrying about what emojis to use or how long to take before you respond.

During The Event
On arrival our hosts will give you a name badge (up to you if you where it) and explain how the night works. You'll also be given a free welcome drink before 9:30pm ro help get the meet-up started. Our hosts will be on hand all night to help with introductions, if needed. But all you need to do is start talking to whoever you find attractive. It really is that simple!

Photo of 🖤Black Singles Matter group
🖤Black Singles Matter
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TRIBE Canary Wharf
15 Water Street · London
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