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Agile Testing After Work - MUNICH

Photo of Ina Hölzel
Hosted By
Ina H.
Agile Testing After Work - MUNICH


Next stop: Munich. The 2024 AgileTD Meetup Tour is visiting Bavaria's capital this June! Whether you are an experienced professional or simply intrigued, the Agile Testing Days team welcomes you to an informal evening filled with valuable perspectives, dynamic conversations, and a friendly environment for all admirers of agile practices and software testing!

We are delighted to announce that we will be hosted at MaibornWolff's "Kraftwerk" venue in Munich. This Meetup is graciously sponsored by MaibornWolff and QualityMinds, offering delicious snacks, beverages, and this amazing venue for a vibrant community gathering.

04:30 - Entry
05:00 - Welcome & Introduction by CEO José Diaz
05:15 - Christian Baumann:
Navigating the Maze of Test Automation Pitfalls
05:45 - break
06:15 - Lisi Hocke:
Team Transformation Tactics for Holistic Testing and Quality
06:45 - break
07:00 - Shuqi Jiang: Make it stick
07:30 - break
07:45 - Tamara Josten: Becoming a Tester - A Fairy Tail
8:15 - Networking and drinks


Talk 1: Christian Baumann
Unfacepalm Your Test Automation -
Navigating the Maze of Test Automation Pitfalls
Learn from others' experiences to avoid recurring mistakes in test automation. Discover strategies for more effective and sustainable test automation practices.

Test automation is often perceived as a 'silver bullet' in software development, expected to dramatically speed up testing, enhance bug detection, reduce release times, and increase coverage. However, my personal journey with test automation has revealed a different reality. In my experience, a common misstep I've observed is the pursuit of 100% automation in all testing efforts. This ambitious but misguided goal can lead to inefficiencies and a misalignment with practical objectives.

During this talk, I will share common pitfalls, explain why they are problematic, and present practical solutions that I have seen work in real-world scenarios. This includes treating test automation code with the same care as production code.
Key learnings:

  1. Recognize common mistakes in test automation processes.
  2. Understand misconceptions about automation capabilities.
  3. Learn the technical implementation issues that occur repeatedly.
  4. Acquire good practices to avoid test automation pitfalls.


Talk 2: Lisi Hocke
Team Transformation Tactics for Holistic Testing and Quality
Over the years, I’ve built a repertoire of tactics to help teams transform toward holistic testing and quality. It’s a toolbox of approaches to try out and find the sweet spot where people start moving toward better directions together. These tactics are fallible, not all of them work in all contexts, and yet they have helped my teams get to a better place.
Join this talk to learn what you can try yourself in your context to help your team make the first steps on your journey towards holistic testing and quality.


Talks 3: Shuqi Jiang
Make it stick!
We often feel the pressure to design the BEST test strategy for teams and stakeholders. But the reality is that no matter how great the test strategy is, the development team tends to ignore it or forget it . You may start to doubt yourself and wonder what is the best way to get the message across.
In this talk I will talk about the 4Cs concept and a use case to help you structure, design and run the test strategy workshop to get the best result and make your test strategy stick. The team will be able to remember, understand and use the information you have given them to design their own test strategy. This way the test strategy is owned by the team and not just the testers, you will get the best involvement and commitment from the whole development team.
Once you understand the concept, you can apply it to any workshop or training in future.
Talk 4: Tamara Josten
"Becoming a Tester - a Fairy Tale"
I’d like to share my fairy tale—a story of changing careers, overcoming fears, and winning battles. It's my journey into the unicornland of testing, where I met magical creatures like a white wizard and a good fairy, as well as villains like the mighty python dragon.
This tale illustrates how individual skills and talents, regardless of origin, age, or gender, contribute to a team's success. By sharing my story, I highlight why hiring career changers benefits companies and showcase specific advantages from my experiences. This change shaped my life and dreams, proving everyone can author their own fairy tale.

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be indoors
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of Agile Nights by AgileTD group
Agile Nights by AgileTD
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MaibornWolff GmbH
Drygalski-Allee 25 · München, BY
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