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Fundamentals of Deep Learning Course

Photo of Puzzle Software
Hosted By
Puzzle S.
Fundamentals of Deep Learning Course


In this workshop, you’ll learn how deep learning works through hands-on exercises in computer vision and natural language processing. You’ll train deep learning models from scratch, learning tools and tricks to achieve highly accurate results. You’ll also learn to leverage freely available, state-of-the-art pre-trained models to save time and get your deep learning application up and running quickly.

  • Learn the fundamental techniques and tools required to train a deep learning model
  • Gain experience with common deep learning data types and model architectures
  • Enhance datasets through data augmentation to improve model accuracy
  • Leverage transfer learning between models to achieve efficient results with less data and computation
  • Build confidence to take on your own project with a modern deep learning framework

Contact us for more details: or explore HERE.
If you want, you can register directly HERE.

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