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Fwd: New messages in ✎ Jan Kardys (Agile Writer Workshop)

From: Greg S.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 12:45 PM
Jan Kardys
Unicorn Writers' Conference will host its 6th conference in Reid Castle in Manhattanville College, at Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY on Saturday, August 15, 2015. Featuring 32 Literary Agents representing boutique to iconic names in publishing, i.e, Writers House, William Morris Endeavor, Folio, and others. 14 NYC Book Editors will attend as well as 27 guest speakers. There are 5 different workshops every hour.

In addition we have a special offer for self-published authors: We will sell your book at our on-site book sale for the day We will promote your book on our website

Attendees may reserve 30-minute 1-on-1s, personal manuscript review sessions-40 pages of your manuscript and 2 pages of your book synopsis, book summary, query letter, or jacket flap copy (all read in advance). Three Agent Panel presentations with audience Q & A included among 30 workshops offered. Nationally recognized as a top conference for all writers-beginners, self-published, and published.

Price: $300 includes all workshops and three meals. Additional $55 for 40 pages reviewed/meeting with agent/editor (Manuscript Review Sessions), $45 for book summary review session, $45 for flap copy review session, and $45 for query letter review session. www.unicornwritersconfer­ Jan Kardys, Chairman [masked] Acclaim.

YOU WROTE A BOOK, NOW WHAT? by Jan Kardys and Jeanne Rogers is available now on Amazon.

Thanks. Jan
June 10,[masked]:37 PM
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