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Fwd: GRAY BASNIGHT TALK - Last Reminder

From: Greg S.
Sent on: Monday, June 15, 2015, 3:18 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jenkins-Jones, Meldon D. - RPL <[address removed]>
Date: Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 3:13 PM
Subject: GRAY BASNIGHT TALK - Last Reminder
To: "Jenkins-Jones, Meldon D. - RPL" <[address removed]>

This evening’s author talk / book reading and signing by Gray Basnight at the RPL Main Writers Group promises to be chock full of info and very interesting! At 6 pm here at Main Library, Gray will share:


·         his career and his passion for writing

·         the inspiration for his latest book, just published, Shadows in the Fire

·         how he went about the research

·         tips/pointers about doing research for historical fiction


Here are Gray Basnight’s top picks on books about writing, the key books he used for research on Shadows in the Fire, and a couple of writer groups he belongs to and recommends:


Writing Books:


·         The Art of Fiction, and On Becoming a Novelist by John Gardner

·         Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

·         Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

·         On Writing by Stephen King


Research Books on Richmond in The Civil War:


·         Richmond Burning by Nelson Lankford

·         The Fall of Richmond by Rembert Patrick

·         Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction by Midori Takagi

·         April 1865: The Month That Saved America by Jay Winik


Recommended Professional Organizations:


·         Mystery Writers of America

·         The Authors Guild


Don’t Miss this exciting event!





Meldon D. Jenkins-Jones, JD, MSLIS

Librarian I, Law Librarian
Richmond Public Law Library
101 E. Franklin St.
Richmond, VA  23219
[address removed]
Our mission:  Inform, Enrich, Empower

Helping to Build the Best Richmond


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