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Re: [questioningrel-83] Thoughts on "Recent thoughts from Doug"

From: James Paster J.
Sent on: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 4:58 PM

I believe one problem in this discussion is simply this. Where did we get our information from. I believe that God created all things. As Creator He is then authority on all things. As Creator He is also a loving Father to those He created. What loving father would ever throw a son born to him in the corner without caring for him or instructing him how to survive. Therefore God as Creator would have shown His love by revealing Himself as Father and communicating to mankind. This was done personally, through His word (being the bible) (btw which if He could create the world He could certainly move men to  pen what He wanted to communicate and preserve through writing for all time) and through His very own Son in the person of Jesus Christ.
So by faith (here is our word again) the ONLY truth is that which comes from God and that is in His word (the bible). Anything other than that is simply man leaning on his own understanding which is limited to what he perceives in his short lifespan, which may or may not be accurate according to what God has done or will do. Afterall who is yet alive who has seen creation and can explain definately how it came to pass. No one else but God the Creator can do this since He accomplished it.
As for why did God create us the answer is found in the principles of His word. God created man to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. He created all things for His glory so He can be seen as preminent and worshipped as such. This is a big kick in the seat of the pants for many people since they do not want to yield authority to another.
God did not randomly create either. He had a plan before creation which will not be thwarted as well. All of the propheices He gave us in His word that have passed have came to pass exactly as He delcared and those that have not yet come will pass as He has delcared as well. This plan will ultimately bring Him much glory.
I appologize as I said before I am just an ignorant man and perhaps have not answered any of your questions since time is limited this is thrown together with little thought. I am just putting myself out there so you know my belief structure. A short email like this would never do my belief justice. It would take literal hours of hours to explain it perhaps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Scheesley <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thu, Apr 8,[masked]:31 pm
Subject: Re: [questioningrel-83] Thoughts on "Recent thoughts from Doug"

James (and all),
To follow up on your response:
"far to complex to have evolved."
This is a statement of absolution, inferring that it is impossible for evolution to be the case.  I am not willing to go that far, and even if someone believes in ID or some other form of creationism, I believe all should stay open to the possibility that in a Universe of infinite age ( t = infinity ), the number of occurrences of a highly-improbable event ( probability of occurence = 1 / infinity ), the number of occurrences is undefined ( #_occurrences = probability * chances_to_occur = probability * t = ( inf ) * ( 1/inf ) = inf / inf = undefined).  Since it is undefined, we cannot say with certainty, that it could or could not happen.  Though, if the universe is not of infinite time ( t > 0 ), then an absolute chance exists at some point, assuming the universe does not die before the event can happen, so the odds are for it (or really, anything else).  Sorry, I love doing math with infinity.
I guess part of my "belief" structure is that though I may prefer a certain view of the world, I am less and less willing to disregard others completely, simply on the basis that I cannot logically prove or disprove someone.
"failure means extinction"
I do not agree with this.  Failure does not mean extinction necessarily, but it does mean the specie will most likely be dominated by a superior specie.  A sea shrimp is by no means a complex being (relative to others), and nature seems to show us that inferior species are required in order to continue other species (but the shrimp are specialized enough to survive in great numbers and continue).  Ah, the key word, specialty seems to be more important than complexity.  If complexity were the main emphasis of evolution, there would be nothing but humans and everything else would be extinct, but our intellectual complexity is all for nothing against the specialty of a shark swimming around us when stranded in the sea (even though said shark has some very complex aspects to it, but its specialty in its environment is very apparent).
"Intelligent Design"
Well, I am glad that we have some people voicing an opinion other than one that leans more to the materialistic.  However, I put a question to you regarding intelligent design: if a being of infinite power created us, why would he "micro manage" the known Universe to the point that everything is the way it is because the supreme being willed it so?  Would it not be more interesting, imagining yourself as a supreme being, to start the spark of life and to see how it develops?  That show would be a lot more entertaining to me than watching something I comprehensively created (the difference between watching a sitcom and "Whose line is it anyways", where certain established rules and tools are provided, but the organisms (comedians) are allowed to use those tools to accomplish whatever goal).
Also, I really hate the idea that an all-powerful being is focusing on us all day.  To me, that seems not only boring, but selfish.
However, again, back to my first point, I cannot prove ID wrong, I can only attempt to minimize its probability based on "deific psychology".

Douglas Scheesley

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