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videos about history of computers and science

From: Jenny M.
Sent on: Thursday, October 22, 2015, 11:51 AM
Are you interested in the history of technology and science? On my
YouTube channel, Digital Oldtimers, you can watch interviews of computer
programmers and a nuclear physicist discussing what it was like to work
with early computers in the '60s, '70s, and '80s. Also, Dr. Robert A.
Stryk, who attended the University of Minnesota in the 1960s, talks
about using early mass spectrometers and the now-decommissioned Van de
Graaff particle accelerator to, respectively, measure the age of rocks
from the shores of Lake Superior and shoot lithium atoms at boron atoms
to produce helium 6. 

The Women in Computing video features a Senior Business Process Analyst
talking about setting up entire IT departments as well as wiring network
cables 'from scratch,' using equipment manuals. A former IBM System
360/370 programmer talks about how cool the Assembler language was. A
technical recruiter recalls the boom-and-bust cycles of demand for
computer professionals. 

The videos are at 
https://www.youtub...­ (Women in Computing), 
https://www.youtub...­ (Oral History of Robert A.
Stryk: A Talent for Science), and
https://www.youtub...­, (Robert A. Stryk – A Lot of
Interesting Physics). Running times range from 13 to 42 minutes. 

I hope you will view the videos and leave me a comment or two if you
enjoyed them. Thank you.

Jennifer McDermott

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