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From LinoRobot2 To Robotic and GenAI

Photo of Chaz
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From LinoRobot2 To Robotic and GenAI


Come and join us in our weekly demo & discussion about ROS 2 and Nav2. We look at code and have some Nav2 demos on Real bots or in Gazebo Fortress simulation.

To celebrate the New Year, we will open a Robot & Generative AI track to our discussion group to go along with LinoRobot2 track. We will start our learning with a sample app: Docker RAG Generative AI demo using knowledge graph & vector database in combination with GenAI Mistral 7B Language Model.

If you have demos on these two topics, Don't hesitate to come by & join us

Check out our new public repo and don't hesitate in jumping in and contribute your C++ Python ROS contributions.

Chaz's Github Repo

Ryan's :
Github Repo
YouTube channel

Photo of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Robotics group
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Robotics
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