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Everyone is a Creative Director

Photo of Megan Notarte
Hosted By
Megan N. and Nicole M.


Unleash your creativity and join AI Portland + Instrument for an exploration of how artificial intelligence is reshaping the boundaries of human creativity. In our rapidly evolving technological landscape, AI has emerged as a powerful catalyst, unlocking new realms of possibility and challenging us to redefine our notions of creativity. How has AI enabled you to up-level your creativity?

Whether you've harnessed AI to push the limits of your artistic expression, leveraged its capabilities to streamline your creative processes, or grappled with the profound philosophical questions it raises, we want to hear your story. This is an opportunity to inspire others, spark thought-provoking discussions, and collectively chart a course for the future of human-AI collaboration.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Should be 10 minutes in length.
  • Visuals and/or demos are strongly encouraged.
  • All submissions will be considered, traditional creative backgrounds or professions is not a requirement.
  • Submissions should address all of the following questions:
  1. What did AI unlock in you / surprise you with?
  2. On the spectrum of scared to inspired, where are you?
  3. What should remain uniquely human, and what feels ripe for further AI exploration?

Lightning talk submissions are due by June 7th.

🚨🚨 Complete this form to submit your talk. 🚨🚨

About the Event
Three community members will present lightning talks exploring the intersection of creativity and AI. The event will conclude with a brief panel discussion led by Mike Creighton, the Director of AI Research and Development at Instrument.

Photo of AI Portland group
AI Portland
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