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AI Salon After Hours - Minnesota

Photo of TK Dunn
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AI Salon After Hours - Minnesota


Join us for an informal event at The Tavern Grill in Minnetonka to gather, chat about AI, and meet new people interested in AI.
Happy Hour will be going for the first hour with discounted drinks & appetizers.
We'll have some ice breaker topics to keep the conversations flowing!
Come on your own...or bring an AI curious friend or two or three!
We want to spread awareness and build the excitement around AI.
Whether you are a novice to the idea of Generative ArtificiaI Intelligence...or a seasoned IT pro - come out and join us! We are a welcoming & inclusive bunch.

Photo of AI Salon Minnesota Meetup Group group
AI Salon Minnesota Meetup Group
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The Tavern Grill
12653 Wayzata Blvd · Minnetonka, MN
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