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New Meetup: Crystal Screen - Superheroes

From: Abbey
Sent on: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 6:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Alexandria Jaycees Meetup Group!

What: Crystal Screen - Superheroes

When: September 21,[masked]:00 PM

Joker is wrecking havoc on the city and Batman is going to save the day. How can you help? Answer the bat signal.

Come join us at The Crystal Screen ? Superheroes on September 21, 2009 for a showing of Batman: The Dark Knight. The movie plays outdoors at 18th and Bell Street ? Courtyard across from the Crystal City Metro Station and the Marriott Hotel. Both yellow and blue lines service Crystal City metro station. The show begins after sunset (around 7:00 pm) and the event is free and open to all.

We will be having a picnic and watching the movie. This is a BYOFand B ? bring your own food and beverage event. There are many great restaurants around the area where you can pick up food or bring your own. Low back chairs and blankets are allowed, but grills, umbrellas and pets are prohibited. For a list of restaurants in the area and information on the show and parking details, please see the following website:

Look for us to be set up in the area where the sun starts immediately behind the projector icon on this Googlemap:,-77.049812&spn=0.004821,0.011716&t=h&z=17

These events tend to be crowded. I will have my cell phone with me. Once you sign up I will send my number to you if you do not already have it.

Learn more here: