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New Meetup: M-Night @ Murphy's Grand Irish Pub

From: Sarah G.
Sent on: Monday, February 8, 2010, 4:04 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Alexandria Jaycees Meetup Group!

What: M-Night @ Murphy's Grand Irish Pub

When: Wednesday, February 17,[masked]:00 PM

Murphy's: Grand Irish Pub
713 King St
Alexandria, VA 22314

Everyone is invited to our January M-Night, a great opportunity to meet members of the Alexandria Jaycees. Prospective, new, and current members are encouraged to attend. Come and learn more about the chapter, while networking with fellow professionals in a fun and casual setting.

We will be gathering at Murphy's Grand Irish Pub located at:
713 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Please check in with the hostess, since they are saving an area for us by the bar. The Alexandria Jaycees will provide a few appetizers, and attendees are welcome to purchase additional food and beverages.

Goals for M-nights are to:
1. Welcome new and prospective members (bring a friend with you!)
2. Network with your fellow Jaycees in a casual environment
3. Enjoy a few drinks and/or a light meal
4. Support one of Alexandria's local restaurants

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah via e-mail at: [address removed]

Learn more here: