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New Meetup: VISITATION to the Arlington Jaycees Meeting

From: Sally S.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 2:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Alexandria Jaycees Meetup Group!

What: VISITATION to the Arlington Jaycees Meeting

When: Wednesday, February 17,[masked]:15 PM

NRECA Building
4301 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22203

Hi Alexandria Jaycees!
Let's pay a visit to our neighbor chapter, Arlington.
Let's tell them hello and give them our support.
(We got to meet many of them at the Convention last month and totally enjoyed hanging out with them that weekend). They have lots of fun and interesting events going on that our chapter should take note of.

The meeting is on February 17th will start at 7:15 pm.
It is in the NRECA Building which is at 4301 Wilson Blvd in the Ballston area of Arlington.

We only need 2 of Alexandria Jaycees to be there to count as a "visitation".

Please RSVP YES or MAYBE if you can attend.

Learn more here: