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New Meetup: Commanding Wealth and Success Circle

From: user 3.
Sent on: Monday, November 8, 2010, 2:10 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Portland Mind-Body Health Meetup Group!

What: Commanding Wealth and Success Circle

When: Friday, November 12,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Ahahra Divine Healing Center
422 SE 79th Ave
Portland, OR 97215

I am pleased to host this One Command Success Circle:

Shift Your Beliefs and Fears about Business, Relationships, and Money

The One Command? takes the principles from The Law of Attraction and The Secret to a new level by actually reprogramming your DNA strands.

You can use The One Command? to generate new ideas, a new vision, and new energy about making money, healing relationships, and creating a better future. The practice of The One Command? immediately changes your mindset, clears old emotional blocks, and opens the door to new possibilities in every area of your life.

The power of The One Command? multiplies when a number of people practice it together in a One Command Circle?. In Circles, we introduce the 6 steps of The One Command?, share success stories, help each person formulate their own command, guide the group through The One Command? process, and support each other in our commands.

The Portland One Command? Circle is based on the creations of Asara Lovejoy, her Commanding Wealth? body of work, and her book, The One Command?.

Our wonderful member Jeanette has offered for us to use her office for this circle. Thank you Jeanette!

Cost: $20

Looking forward to supporting each other's abundance!

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