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New Meetup: “Co-Ops and Local Ownership”

From: Christy
Sent on: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 9:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Renewable Energy Meetup Group!

What: ?Co-Ops and Local Ownership?

When: Thursday, October 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: First Presbyterian Church
1013 8th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104

?Co-Ops and Local Ownership?

Seattle Renewable Energy Meet-up Group, Thursday, Oct 28th, 7-9 pm

Meet the folks from the Northwest Coop Development Center and learn how forming co-ops is a proven strategy to help people access economic resources that meet their needs. In today?s recession economy, there is a renewed interest in local ownership and right-sized businesses with strong community accountability.

NWCDC is devoted to assisting new and existing cooperative businesses in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Hawaii. Renewable-resource co-ops on their client list include the Last Mile Electric Co-op, Olympia BioFuels, and Our Wind Co-op. The ?cooperative business model? also works for service and manufacturing businesses. Please plan to attend and get the details on renewable energy co-ops.

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