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Presentation on Solar Thermal Utility Power

From: Jon F.
Sent on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 2:33 AM
Free Lecture Solar Parabolic Systems vs. The Other systems
Scottsdale Civic Center Library Thursday October 23rd[masked]pm-8:30pm

Peter Thompson from Abengoa Solar will be in the Valley to talk about Parabolic Systems (also known as CSP Concentrating Solar Power) and how they factor in today's world vs. the other types of solar systems out there.
Abengoa Solar is building a 280 MW facility, the largest Solar Power Plant in the world here in Arizona for APS.
This system has the ability to "store" energy that can be tapped into during shady periods and into the night using molten salts. The project near Gila Bend, AZ, is going through approval for both the plant and the necessary transmission to get the power into the existing grid.

Come on out and learn about the direction that our electrical energy resources are headed