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RE: [alternativeenergy-35] Solar Panel Breakthrough?

From: Franklin
Sent on: Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 3:45 PM
Rectennas still require an inverter to supply power to the grid because their output is DC and the output voltage depends on the available sunlight. However, it might be possible to integrate the electronic portions of the inverter into the design, leaving only any large inductors or capacitors as external components.
The advantage is dollars per watt per unit area. Fabrication techniques already exist for such rectenna devices in the semiconductor industry. Given the higher conversion efficiency from photons to electrons jumping across the gap in rectennas versus traditional bandgap-based semiconductors, it takes less silicon area to get the same power output and therefore less roof space.

Subject: [alternativeenergy-35] Solar Panel Breakthrough?
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Wed, 27 Feb[masked]:28:16 -0500

Interesting new research taking capture of solar radiation to a whole new level. They think it will capture up to 70% of the in-coming energy instead of less than 20% and be "grid-ready" with no inverter required. They just got new funding.

New Fabrication Technique Could Provide Breakthrough for Solar Energy Systems

Jon Findley

"I cannot understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones..."  --Nicola Tesla

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