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RE: [alternativeenergy-35] More Solar?

From: Franklin
Sent on: Monday, January 6, 2014, 7:06 PM
The loss of efficiency for solar cells at 1/2 % per degree F is partially true. You can pick different semiconductor materials that have a larger bandgap that actually operate better at temperatures typical under a concentrator. See and specifically read the parts about how to get around that limit.
You could pick third material that has an operating point between the two, and cool the focal point of the collected sunlight to its operating point with a fluid that you then run through a waste heat thermoelectric generator. Sadly, I have no data to back up any claim of efficiency through use of this combined photovoltaic-thermal generation method.

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [alternativeenergy-35] More Solar?
Date: Mon, 6 Jan[masked]:39:28 -0500

Hi All:

Are you aware, in theory, the amount of energy available from Photons at the earth's surface is about 200 watts per sq meter.  If you use a concentrating device you still can only Theoretically harvest 200 watts per square meter.  In reality, we are able to produce about 100 watts per square meter from commercial flat plate collectors. 

Next comes the heat issue.  For every degree above 72 degree Fahrenheit a solar cell gets it loses a 1/2% of efficiency.  When you concentrate Solar Energy you increase the cell temperature.  So if the cells are getting hotter how can they be more efficient?

Finally, Concentrating trackers have to keep the array perfectly aligned with the sun or they do not work correctly.  Not only that if there is any cloud cover or dust in the air they will not function properly.  There are very few places on earth that do not experience cloud cover.  Certainly Germany is not one of them.

Not trying to rain on anyone's parade.  But some friends of mine spent a lot of time, energy and money trying to develop concentrating collectors in the 80's.  Eventually, they went broke. it was very sad.   I don't want to see any more solar folks get hurt.


On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 3:36 PM, John <[address removed]> wrote:
Jon that is really cool , thanks for sharing , I like that sort of info please keep it coming. JB

On Jan 5, 2014, at 1:07 AM, Jon Findley wrote:

Here is another interesting idea but not enough detail to evaluate. They don't even mention the extreme heat problem... except to cook shrimp with it!

This glass sphere might revolutionize solar power on Earth


Jon Findley

"I cannot understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones..."  --Nicola Tesla

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