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NaNoWriMo and Storybundle book offer

From: Steve S.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 7, 2014, 11:12 AM


Jessica, one of our members wants to let us know about some new stuff. Here's the info:

NaNoWriMo (the organizers of National Novel Writing Month), and several internationally bestselling authors have teamed up to offer twelve great books on the business of writing, honing your craft and selling your books.

Authors include Kevin J. Anderson, Dave Farland, Brandon Sanderson and more.

All twelve books are available in eBook format at through the end of November.

You can name your own price for the first six books, or pay $15 and get all of them.

The books are DRM free, and can be read on any e-device.

This is a great writer's toolkit and I would appreciate it if you could share this with your group members.

Thanks!  Jessica

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