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ON-LINE Book Club Meeting - 'When all is said' by Anne Griffin

Photo of Sandra
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ON-LINE Book Club Meeting - 'When all is said' by Anne Griffin


'WHEN ALL IS SAID' by Anne Griffin

'If you had to pick five people to sum up your life, who would they be? If you were to raise a glass to each of them, what would you say? And what would you learn about yourself, when all is said?

At the bar of a grand hotel in a small Irish town sits 84-year-old Maurice Hannigan. He’s alone, as usual ­- though tonight is anything but. Pull up a stool and charge your glass, because Maurice is finally ready to tell his story.
Over the course of this evening, he will raise five toasts to the five people who have meant the most to him. Through these stories - of unspoken joy and regret, a secret tragedy kept hidden, a fierce love that never found its voice - the life of one man will be powerful and poignantly laid bare.

Beautifully heart-warming and powerfully felt, the voice of Maurice Hannigan will stay with you long after all is said and done.'


Read the book and join us for a lively discussion about the contents during our afternoon book club meeting.


This is an ONLINE event. Only 10 attendees are allowed. Please cancel your attendance in advance if you cannot join, so that those on the waitlist can participate.

Looking forward to seeing you all ONLINE then!

Best regards,

Photo of Amersfoort English Book and Movie Club group
Amersfoort English Book and Movie Club
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10 spots left