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What we’re about

Join the Amsterdam Azure Data Meetup Group, a dynamic and diverse community of data engineering professionals, enthusiasts, and novices.
We're passionate about exploring the vast landscape of data engineering, focusing on a variety of technologies and platforms, not limited to Azure.
Our members range from seasoned data engineers to beginners, and we believe in the power of collaborative learning, shared knowledge, and continuous growth in this ever-evolving field.
Our meetups offer a rich mix of online and in-person events, covering technical know-how, practical applications, and industry best practices. We feature insightful talks, practical workshops, and engaging discussions led by experts and thought leaders.
Whether you're interested in orchestrating data pipelines with Apache Airflow, transforming and integrating data with various tools, or understanding the career path for data engineering, you'll find something new and enlightening at our meetups.
Our meetup themes cover a wide range of cutting-edge topics, including:

  • New technologies
  • Microsoft Fabric
  • Big data
  • Machine learning
  • Data analytics
  • Data visualization
  • Data science
  • Technology startups
  • Database engineering
  • Apache Spark
  • Data pipeline orchestration

We're on a mission to be at the forefront of the latest developments in data engineering and create a space where everyone can share ideas and benefit from each other's knowledge.
No matter your level of expertise or preferred platform, we welcome you to join us on a journey of learning, exploration, and innovation in the diverse world of data engineering.

Code of Conduct