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Whats Lined up for the SUMMER

From: Tim C.
Sent on: Monday, April 1, 2013, 10:52 PM

Hi and Happy Easter to you all.

Well I’m sure like me you’re just waiting until the weather breaks a little bit to get out and start taking more photos.

Ive got loads of portrait sessions im dying to do but red noses on photos play hell with my photoshop skills!

Oh and by the way what are you doing on Queens day? Ive organised a free photowalk/meetup for a couple of hours in the afternoon - a few drinks and some photos. It starts at 1pm and will last a couple of hours. Im also offering a photo challenge for anyone who attends: the most crazy or well liked photo will win a free workshop of their choice. We'll decide the winner by number of "likes" on Facebook Group.

And speaking of Facebook Ive just open the closed workshop group so anyone can join. I thought I'd offer everyone in the meetup group the option to join and post your photos, tips, advice etc. Here's the link

Oh and speaking of photo walks, the Marken trip was REALLY nice and the atmosphere was very very friendly. It was it was great to meet some new friends and reconnect with with familiar faces. So thanks a million to everyone who came :)

As for the spring and the summer Ive got loads or workshops planned such as Night Photography, Travel Photography, Live Model shoots, and some one day CRASH COURSES such as Composition, and another session of "Camera Settings" (since its been so popular). Im also currently planning a 1 day workshop out of Amsterdam, in Rotterdam area I expect, that will see me teaming up with a well known landscape photographer to bring you a landscape/cityscape session. Really excited about this one and Ive approached him specifically because he's good fun, passionate and takes great photos.

So anyway watch this space and i'll get back to you soon with more info.

I'm off to bed now (its 11pm as im writing) because Im getting up early tomorrow to take some sunrise shots over the canals, and i hate getting out of bed in the morning! Wish me luck.

Bye for now


PS Ive addded polls to the meetup group to allow you to suggest workshops that you may be interested in. Ive added loads of suggestions but feel free to offer your own.



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