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The Healing Art of Nature Day Retreart/Ceremony in Amsterdam

Photo of Leila
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The Healing Art of Nature Day Retreart/Ceremony in Amsterdam


"Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from." Rooted from ancient traditions, now we are bringing this ritual in the flow of art expressions, co-created with (our own) wildness/nature.

We (Roos from Mandala Monday and Leila from LeilArts) feel the strong call to share our gifts and passion, and to co-create the Healing Art of Nature Ceremony with you and nature, in a quiet area of Flevopark, Amsterdam on Sunday, June 23. We invite you to be a part of this beautiful and sacred ritual. No previous art experience need, as we believe everyone is an artist.

We believe our intuition and creativity is so natural and powerful to the well-being of our soul. Especially when we create with intention and together with nature, and it becomes a beautiful ritual that helps us tap into our wise, inner guidance and allows us to become more intimately present with ourselves and life. This ceremony can help make more space, move through challenging emotions, energies and bring back present moments. It will also help quiet the mind in the busy world we live in, and brings creative insights & new patterns into daily life, that we can not often express only through words.

In co-creating this ceremony with intention, we can find a safe, sacred and connected resting space for deep healing, emotions, manifestation and call in wishes for the future. The artwork you will create then becomes alive in the form of an altar that serves as a physical reminder of dreams, wishes and healings that were called in while making it happen already, here and now.

We will have live musician/DJ Leela to join us as a guest to guide us through instrumental sounds (handpan, drum, rain drop, etc) to dive in deeper, as a part of this multi-sensory ceremony.

Natural and vegan snacks and all equipment will be provided.

We will go with the flow:

Opening: Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony
Releasing: Intuitive Tea Ink Pouring
Playfulness: Zen-Art Sound Journey
Celebration: Nature Mandala Art
Integration: Closing Circle

Arrivals from 12:45
The ceremony starts at 13:00
The ceremony ends at 19:00

Meeting location:

Check out our profiles:

Looking forward to sharing this beautiful ceremony with you soon.

With love,
Roos, Leila & Musician Leela

Photo of Amsterdam Tea Ceremonies, Meditation and Mindful Events group
Amsterdam Tea Ceremonies, Meditation and Mindful Events
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Amsterdamse brug Flevoparkweg(under the bridge go to the skateboard ramp), Flevoparkweg · Amsterdam
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