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What we’re about

Welcome to the group!
If you are interested in film camera and shooting we are the group for you. If you want to learn or re-learn the hows and when of film come on aboard. I am just a guy who wants to explore film once again. So find that old dusty 35mm camera in your closet, grab your Instamatic, Kodak Brownie or what ever you have and join us!

Here are our simple rules that you agree to follow as a member of our community:
1) Please keep posts civil, polite, and on topic. Personal attacks or disparagement are not allowed, ever. 
2) Advertising your goods or services is not allowed in posts. If you want to promote your own commercial product or service, please don’t.
3) Questions or issues having to do with your Analog Film - Photography Meetup group can come to me or you can ask in the group.

We host FREE photowalks, presentations and get-togethers. If requested or needed I will also hold Zoom classes and instructions on subjects such as how to get the most from your camera or Lightroom/Photoshop training and doing an analysis of your images.

If you are an experienced photographer (hobbyist or professional) and want a place where you can gather, share your knowledge and ideas, or you just want to keep your skills sharp this is the place for you. As a matter of fact I need you... please sign on and help this group so that each of us can become better at our craft.

Our goal for is to have a place in which we encourage, inspire and learn from one another. I hope that we can help you improve your photography skills. I genuinely desire that you will join and one day (soon I hope) we will be able to meet in person.

We will not tolerate any abusive behavior or language of any sort. This is not a dating site and asking for dates will result in immediate banishment. If someone has made you feel uncomfortable please let me know as quickly as possible.

This group is a safe space for persons of all walks of life. Respect is the key.

Moses Rodriguez

Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability:

By signing up as a member and being a member of the KC Photography Essentials: Photowalks and Fundamentals or Analog Film - Photography/Video and/or attending these event(s), you and your guests or minors (if applicable) accept that all activities may have dangerous consequences and fully assume all risks associated with such participation, including travel to and from the event. You agree to be responsible for your own safety and equipment; and realize that conditions, obstacles, and weather, are always changing. You and your successors agree to hold all Organizers and other KC Photography Essentials: Photowalks and Fundamentals or Analog Film - Photography/Video members harmless in the event of equipment loss or damage, injury or death.