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Connect with angels meet up Friday 6/20

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, June 16, 2008, 10:34 PM
In addition to providing step one at 7 PM I will offer the step two program the same night: the Spiritual Sensitivity program offers tools and techniques that you can use the rest of your life to stay connected with your higher self and your angels: some of the highlights of the workshop are outlined here.
Spiritual Cleansing Your Aura- a technique to buffer you from the negativity, pressure and stress that can be around. Learn to tune yourself like a radio to receive a clear and accurate signal, instead of static (confusing thoughts and feelings).
Thought Transference :? Practice receiving thoughts and feelings from a partner you do this techniques with. You will be able to know what are yours and what you ???pick up??? from your environment or from other people. Once you do this, you will know and trust your own psychic insights more.
Oneness Technique :? Sense the good, kind, loving and wise inner being you are. As you come to realize this more in yourself, you will recognize this in others. Feel a connection with other people while you maintain your own identity as the true being you are. Enjoy the good clear part and release the rest.
Regrouping and Slides :? Clarify areas such as coming to planet earth with a life plan, the people who raised you and how they fit with your unique plan, your inner guidance, psychic sensitivity and how to maintain a clear inner connection. This workshop also examines your inner motivation (the kind that lasts), healing through understanding the mind body connection (energy centers or chakras), and how your state of mind attracts to you what you have in your life. Know the easy and lasting way to make the changes that you want.
I will also be available for personal one-on-one consultation Friday before the meeting and Sat. AM. [masked]. Please let me know if you have any questions. Kathleen Ellis