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Mission: Quality - Exploring Code's Final Frontier (Week 2 - Code Craftsmanship)

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Hosted By
Angular Community M. and Brooke A.
Mission: Quality - Exploring Code's Final Frontier (Week 2 - Code Craftsmanship)



Week 2 | Code Craftsmanship

Tired of dealing with buggy, unmaintainable code that feels like a black hole? Well, get ready to blast off into the second week of our month-long mini-conference all about equipping you with the tools, techniques, and mindset to elevate your code quality to truly stellar heights.

This June, say goodbye to technical debt black holes, spaghetti code asteroids, and sleepless nights spent debugging cosmic nightmares. Mission: Quality - Exploring Code's Final Frontier is your rocket ship to becoming a master of quality coding.

In Week 2, we'll be diving into the principles and practices that define high-quality, warp-capable code. Our veteran coding astronauts will teach you how to write code that is readable, maintainable, and extensible, setting your course for uncharted reaches of the galaxy.

The Flight Plan (see our other event pages for Weeks 1, 3, & 4):

Week 2 | June 11th | 11 AM - 12 PM MST: Code Craftsmanship

  • Michael Dowden | From Horror Story to Fairy Tale - Writing Code People Want to Read
  • As developers we spend much more time reading code than we do writing it. It’s important that our code conveys its meaning clearly, not just to the computer but also to other developers. Everything we write tells a story, and our code is no different. From meaningless variable names to confusing comments, the code we write can be a horror story that leads to frustration, bugs, and delays. In this session we’ll discuss the importance of empathy when writing code, and the impact this can have on inclusivity. We’ll look at concrete examples of poor naming, obfuscated logic, and other anti-patterns. And finally we’ll cover specific tips for writing fairy tale code that future developers will want to read. We’ll also cover processes for implementing these tips within your team so that you can all live happily ever after.
  • Manfred Steyer | Vertical Architectures for Scalable Angular Applications
  • It’s always the same: When we start with a new application on the green field, we are super enthusiastic about it. Everything is new, cool, and easy. But after some years, maintaining it becomes a nightmare. Having several teams working on such a solution makes it even worse. This session provides a proven solution: Vertical Architectures. We discuss what “verticals” are, how they allow you to scale your project by adding more team members or even teams, and how ideas from Strategic Design (DDD) and Team Topologies can help. We also discuss several options for implementing them: CLI workspaces, Nx Monorepos, and/or Micro Frontends in different flavors.

Don't miss this pivotal week where you'll gain the knowledge to engineer code so robust, it could survive a supernova. Register now to save your seat!

If you haven't already, be sure to also RSVP for the other weeks' sessions on the related event pages here on Together we'll explore all the essential frontiers of quality across testing, documentation, and more!

Thanks to our sponsors ng-conf & Limble CMMS! Engage thrusters and join us as we navigate towards developing software of the highest caliber!

Photo of Angular Community Meetup group
Angular Community Meetup
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