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Mission: Quality - Exploring Code's Final Frontier (Wk 3 - Pragmatic Practices)

Photo of Angular Community Meetup
Hosted By
Angular Community M. and Brooke A.
Mission: Quality - Exploring Code's Final Frontier (Wk 3 - Pragmatic Practices)



Tired of dealing with buggy, unmaintainable code that feels like a black hole? This June, say goodbye to technical debt black holes, spaghetti code asteroids, and sleepless nights spent debugging cosmic nightmares. Our month-long mini-conference is your rocket ship to becoming a master of quality coding.

As we continue our Mission: Quality - Exploring Code's Final Frontier, our veteran coding astronauts will share pragmatic techniques, ensuring your code remains adaptable, efficient, and future-proof for generations to come.

June 18th | 11 AM - 12:30 PM MST

Andrew Hunt | Code Quality - Lessons from THE Pragmatic Programmer
Join Andrew Hunt, co-author of the "The Pragmatic Programmer," as he shares practical insights on achieving high code quality through effective testing, refactoring, and maintainability practices. Explore pragmatic strategies for building quality teams and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring your codebase remains robust, adaptable, and aligned with evolving business needs.

Lara Newsom | Performance Mistakes You Might Not Realize You're Making
Out of the box, Angular does a good job of creating fast user-friendly applications, but as your application grows, there are a few common mistakes that can lead to decreased performance. Whether it is bloated code bundles or poorly performing change detection cycles, poor application performance can dramatically impact user experiences. In this talk, we will cover three mistakes that can easily slow down applications and go through some solutions to keep your application speedy fast, today and into the future.

Rainer Hahnekamp | Refactoring in Angular: Ensuring Code Quality Through Modularity, Metrics, and Testing
Effective refactoring in Angular hinges on a few critical practices. This talk covers three main areas: modularization, metrics, and testing.

  • We begin with the importance of a modular application structure, which lays the ground work for easier refactoring. Next, we'll explore how to leverage metrics to identify code that needs refactoring. Finally, we'll discuss essential testing techniques to ensure that your refactoring efforts do not break existing functionality.
  • By the end of this session, you'l be equipped with practical strategies to keep your Angular codebase clean and maintainable.

Reserve your seat now to master the art of charting the unknown frontiers of your codebase.

If you haven't already, be sure to also RSVP for the other weeks' sessions on testing, code quality, and more via the related event pages here on

Thanks to our sponsors ng-conf & Limble CMMS for making this virtual voyage possible. Engage thrusters and join us as we navigate towards pristine, well-documented codebases that will stand the test of time!

Photo of Angular Community Meetup group
Angular Community Meetup
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