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Gathering tonight (Sunday( and Facebook

From: CJ A.
Sent on: Sunday, May 27, 2012, 11:02 AM
We have a facebook page at!/MRCAnimalsArizona   We do this because it is especially set up for fast communications and is easy to use with smart phones.
We will continue to work with meet up because to the ability to host meetings classes and distribute papers through the files to people regardless of what level of participation they want to do.  Remember that official participation INCLUDES membership in the State Animals in Response at the MRC
We are meeting to transfer supplies from our south location (west 7th St and south of Indian School) to our north location (on Cave creek between the two Greenways), we are then going to combine them and prepare a load to go up north. If you want to be part of this relocation tonight,  27th May, Sunday Night at 6pm call project coordinator at:
CJ at 602/[masked].

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