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Re: [Animal-Emergency-Rsponse-Arizona] Large pet food donation incoming. 10/12-15?

From: user 4.
Sent on: Friday, October 12, 2012, 4:17 AM
Sorry CJ -

Don't live in the area and am not able to afford the drive up.   I noticed you didn't respond to my email about helping Tucson to get a Dog Park.   


----- Original Message -----
From: "CJ Anderson" <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, October 11,[masked]:08:30 PM
Subject: [Animal-Emergency-Rs­ponse-Arizona] Large pet food donation incoming. 10/12-15?

Hi Everyone 

I have just been notified that sometime shortly, we are getting 33 pallets of dog food and 3 pallets of cat food. 

If you would post here your willingness to help (other volunteers welcomed) and when you are available starting Saturday morning and I will post more information as soon as I get details (hopefully Friday). 

CJ Anderson 

Please Note: If you hit " REPLY ", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ( [address removed] ) 
This message was sent by CJ Anderson ([address removed]) from Animal Emergency Response Arizona . 
To learn more about CJ Anderson, visit his/her member profile 
Set my mailing list to email me As they are sent | In one daily email | Don't send me mailing list messages 

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed] 

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