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New Meetup: Piney Orchard Street Festival

From: Christina G.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 3:15 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for 20's & 30's Networking and Social Group - Jaycees!

What: Piney Orchard Street Festival

When: Saturday, May 15,[masked]:30 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

We will be doing funnel cakes at this street festival in Odenton. The address is below. We have never done this event so I am not sure what to expect. I do know that we will be drinking, socializing and making money.

This is a rain or shine event so please come prepared. Setup is at 9:30 and we are required to be there until 7:00. With breakdown I am guessing we will be done around 8:00 and we can meet up back in Annapolis for drinks. We will need a truck or SUV if anyone has one.

If there are any questions feel free to email or contact me


Piney Orchard Community Association
2400 Stream Valley Drive
Odenton, MD 21113

Learn more here: