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Agile Coach Retreat 2024

Photo of Helene Gidley
Hosted By
Helene G.
Agile Coach Retreat 2024


Register on Agile Groupies to secure your seat!!

Cross posting for Agile Groupies. Our Annual Agile Coach Retreat, hosted in conjunction with the Mid-Michigan Agile Group will be held IN PERSON this year. Returning to Ann Arbor, Michigan.

This year we will focus on expanding your coaching toolkit.

Session 1: Tales of Dojo Coaching - Insights for All - Workshop by Jess Brock
In the Agile space, do you ever wonder why we use words such as "transformation" and "journey"? It's because coaching is really freaking hard. As a coach, there are days when you move a group one step forward only to realize that you've fallen two steps back. There are memory lapses like you could've sworn you've worked on this anti-pattern with the team before. Or, did you? What day is it again?

Imagine condensing a team's learning journey into 6 weeks. What could we learn if we accelerated the journey with hands-on, intensive coaching? Well, no need to imagine this 6-week mania because it's a real thing called Dojo coaching.

Join Jess Brock, author of The Dojo Coach's Pocket Guide, as she shares the lessons learned and insights that can only be gained from the Dojo coaching of dozens of teams.

This talk is not limited to dojo coaches! Any coach can find value in these insightful and action-driven stories of a humble dojo coach just trying to do some good in the world.

Session 2: Improv
A lively improv session for engaging your teams

Session 3: The “Original” AI: Appreciative Inquiry
How can shifting our focus from problems to strengths transform the ways we work together? In this session we’ll explore Appreciative Inquiry, a positive approach to organizational change that encourages participants to ask positive, poetic questions and envision a thriving future. What strategies can we employ to envision and build a resilient, adaptable future? Let’s practice constructing an ideal future and learning what it will take to get there.

You’ll leave this session with the courage to do the next right thing to affect change for your teams.

Session 4: Breaking Boundaries with Liberating Structures
Liberating Structures are simple and practical methods to get groups and co-workers working better together and engaged. Used by Agile Coaches and others, we will introduce what Liberating Structures are, where they came from, and when we use some of our favorites… we will also highlight three powerful structures that are usually overlooked!

A hands-on workshop where you will experience live applying liberating structures. You can bring these back to your teams and organization and apply them immediately. Easy to learn and apply!

Plus a couple of other tools you can use with your teams.
A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register on Agile Groupies to secure your seat!!

This is a paid event - $99 brings you access to great speakers and lively learnings!! You must register on Agile Groupies to secure your seat!!

Photo of Ann Arbor Tech group
Ann Arbor Tech
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455 E Eisenhower Pkwy Suite 300 · Ann Arbor, MI
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