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Application of Classics - The Zen Wisdom

Photo of Tian Tian
Hosted By
Tian T.


(Discussion mainly in Chinese, anyone with with sufficient Chinese skills are welcomed)


让我们一起通过阅读和参悟 《六祖坛经》中的禅宗公案,真实了解六祖的人生故事,六祖的工作、六祖的生活、六祖的人际关系,从而一起:


How do we incorporate the wisdom of classics in of lives? Is this a question that often perplexes those who enjoy reading classics?

Let us read and contemplate real stroies from ‘The Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch’ together, explore the life story of the Sixth Patriarch, the work of the Sixth Patriarch, and the interpersonal relationship of the Sixth Patriarch. Together we will explore:

1. The use of Zen Wisdom to liberate ourselves from pressure from work and the troubles in life.
2. The use of Zen Wisdom to manage us yet to be stable emotions and harmonize our interpersonal relationship.
3. The use of Zen Wisdom to enhance our material wealth intelligence and nurture our inner spiritual wealth and mental wealth.
4. The teachings of the Sixth Patriarch to broaden our horizon of life and understand the true meaning and value of life.
5. The teachings of the Sixth Patriarch to grasp an impression of how sages joy of life and views death.

Event Time:
London time: 09:00-10:30
New Zealand Time: 20:00-21:30
Beijing Time: 16:00-17:30

Zoom Meeting:

  • Link:
  • Meeting ID: 933 1564 5817
  • Passcode: 961065
Photo of Application of Classics - The Zen Wisdom group
Application of Classics - The Zen Wisdom
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