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Tickets for Neil deGrasse Tyson at UCA in February

From: Anne O.
Sent on: Friday, August 9, 2013, 10:19 PM

Hi all,

For anyone who's not already aware, Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson will be speaking at UCA's Reynolds Performance Hall on Thursday, February 27th at 7:30 pm. Tickets for this event go on sale this Monday, August 12th, at 10 am, and they're expected to sell quickly.

I will be driving to the Reynolds Performance Hall box office in Conway on Monday morning to purchase a large group of tickets for all ASF members and their friends and family who would like to go and would like me to get them their tickets. Hopefully this will ensure that we Freethinker friends can all sit together and have good seats.

Because I'll be mailing tickets to some people and incurring credit card charges for those who want to pay through Paypal or Square, I'm going to ask that you pay $17 for the tickets. If you order them yourself over the phone or go to the box office in person, the charge is $15; if you order online, the charge is $18. The only reason I'm tacking anything at all on to the cost is because it will cost me money to receive a credit card payment or mail the tickets. Anything over and above the actual cost of the ticket you buy and the charges I incur (the excess is less than $1 per ticket) will be considered a donation to the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers.

If you'd like me to purchase tickets for you, and you have not yet responded through the Facebook post on this same subject, reply to this email to let me know exactly how many tickets you'd like. For now I just need to know how many to get on Monday. We will work out logistics for payment and ticket distribution within the next few days, so watch for the announcement to come from a Meetup email or on ASF's Secret Facebook Discussion Group. (And if you aren't part of the Facebook Discussion Group, why not? Join the conversation!)

We'll be scheduling this event as a Meetup, and hopefully we'll be able to arrange for a pre-performance gathering or a post-performance debriefing with our friends in the Conway Freethinkers group.

I need to hear from you by 8:00 Sunday evening to be sure your ticket is reserved with ASF. If you miss reserving it with me, you can always get your own, even though you won't be sitting with our big group. I'll try to get a few extras, but I can't make any promises without a head count.


Anne Orsi

Meetup Organizer for the

Arkansas Society of Freethinkers


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