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New Meetup: Spillover Meeting - for Sat 25 July - Life of Pi - organised by Krissy

From: Nerida
Sent on: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 1:51 PM
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend. It is nice to have some sunshine to enjoy after a few cold days.

Just a quick note to let everyone know due to the first meeting being booked out, Krissy has organised a spillover meeting. Due to the short notice Krissy?s group will be discussing one book "Life of Pi".

What: Spillover Meeting - for Sat 25 July - Life of Pi - organised by Krissy - (for those that missed out on the meeting scheduled at Grumpy's Green)

When: July 25,[masked]:00 PM

British Crown Hotel
14-18 Smith St

Organiser: Krissy

Scheduled for the same time (2pm on Saturday 25th July) - Krissy's meeting will run as well as the original meeting at Grumpy's Green. Yes - there will be two bookclubs meetings held on Smith St Collingwood Saturday 25/7!

We are very excited to have so many people interested in coming along to the meetings ? especially when this is only the 3rd meeting for Around Fitzroy & Collingwood Book Club! As it is quite a casual club, membership will probably ebb and flow but if anyone is thinking of starting a separate Book group please let me know, I?m happy to send an email out to let the list know the details so they can join.

Have a good week!
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