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Idols, Icons and Stars: Exploring Visual Activism Across Film and Media

Photo of Inna Didenko
Hosted By
Inna D.
Idols, Icons and Stars: Exploring Visual Activism Across Film and Media


Who comes to mind when we think about idols, icons, or stars? Our cultural idols, who we fall in love with are at times fictional characters in films, and other times, the artists who shape those roles. In this talk, we’ll be considering both. As well, we’ll be thinking about iconic figures behind important political and social moments, from Hollywood’s #metoo all the way to Iran’s woman, life, freedom movement. We’ll finish the talk with a case study of one of Iran’s most beloved filmic characters as we explore her social, cultural, and political significance within the framework of stardom.

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  • This event will be recorded. All participants will be able to watch the video 2-3 days after the event on our website.
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