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What we’re about

Welcome to the Artistic practices and discussions (draw and talk) group,
In this group we are going to practice art and talk about it.
There will be events for drawing for all levels, so that you can learn how to draw from zero with me, or you can just join us in the session and draw on your own way.
And there will be discussion events, where we discuss several artistic topics, such as art and philosophy, art criticism, art therapy and many other interesting topics.
Who am I?
I'm Madlain Humaidan, an artist graduated from Marburg University, Germany with a master’s degree in fine arts, and I have a keen interest in philosophy, psychology, and their association with art.
So, if you are interested in art and enjoy talking about it, or want to learn how to draw, or if you are doing research in art and need some opinions, sources and a motivation, then this group is the right place for you.
Wait the upcoming event in February.