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What we’re about

Hello and welcome!
A little bit about our community and this group:
This group was born and began in September of 2020, at first as just a zoom support group, but has grown rapidly and largely, adding up to over 300 members across several, social platforms. This group's meetings happens virtually on zoom on the first and third Tuesday of every month, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm PST. Within the meetings there are introductions, topics, break out rooms, and plenty of space to ask questions or just vent about life. This group is only for people on the aromantic spectrum, asexual spectrum, and those who are questioning. While our discussion group functions virtually, our community meets up in-person at least a couple of times each month for fun plans and making friends.  While not everyone who is asexual is aromantic, and not everyone who is aromantic is asexual, this group creates a shared space for both, and for those who might be questioning. Within the aro and ace communities, we use and believe in a split attraction model where sexual and romantic orientations can be completely different and independent of each other.

This group will be attending the Pride Parade and Festival this summer, 2022, as San Diego's very first official group walking together in representation of asexuality, and aromanticism. We will have a stand at the festival selling ace and aro pride merch, as well as giving out free resources, educational brochures, support, and advice. The community building and visibility that has taken place in the aromantic and asexual communities here in San Diego in the past year has been monumental- it means everything to be and feel seen. We hope that ALL of our aro and ace members that are able to walk the parade with us this summer, will! Stay tuned for more details; ADA plans are being made as well!

****This group is for San Diego County residents only- your membership will be denied if your profile does not read/reflect a city in, or near San Diego County.****