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Walk Arboretum Bent Creek Trail to Lake Powhatan

Photo of Sherri A
Hosted By
Sherri A.
Walk Arboretum Bent Creek Trail to Lake Powhatan


Change Again to Original Plan: We'll all park in Lower Gatehouse Lot & meet near potties in m middle of lot no later than 10am. Its a small lot, but spaces do open up & may be less busy on a day with changing forecast!

We'll walk 4+ miles round trip, from lower lot, along Bent Creek Trail, to Lake Powhatan. Trail along creek is long, flat, shady, & blooming this time of year. Wear good trail shoes, sun protection, (or rain gear), & bring water & optional snack.

Planning to walk this trail often on Sundays &/or Mondays, but only on mornings during summer. Option to walk at any speed, & I'll bring up rear of slower walkers. But hope everyone will wait at lake to rest & socialize as a group.

Yes, I'm still in midst of local move, but looking forward to a break & walking, seeing everyone, & meeting some new members. If you don't have a car entry pass, or have questions, contact me before Sunday.

Photo of Retired ASHE: Asheville Social Hikes & Events group
Retired ASHE: Asheville Social Hikes & Events
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The North Carolina Arboretum
100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way · Asheville, NC