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What we’re about

We play as a central hub of information regarding Aspergers Syndrome.  We provide information about the disorder itself: Definition, History, Development and Findings on it; A List of Local, State, and National Resources Regarding Associations, Instituions, Schools, Doctors, Groups, etc. that deal with Aspergers; a List of Books and Movies about Aspergers, and a List of Successful People and Celebrities who have it.  We help answer or get answers to any questions that come up and help provide solutions to problems.

We share information through our website via our Discussion Boards, email blasts, contacting one another, and our monthly meetings.  Sometimes we invite someone who is an expert on Autism/Aspergers to come in and speak.  Other times we meet and act as a Support Group for we who have Aspergers and our Parents, Family, and Spouses. We increase information, answer questions, and provide solutions to problems, and create and increase understanding between we who have it and our Parents, Spouses, Families, Teachers, Police, Doctors, Caretakes, and Workers.

We also play as Citizen Advocates when legislation, policies, or problems come up in Government, etc. by visiting the Capitol and contacting our legislators and Governors, rally, and participate in community events, such as Walk, Sunshine, State or Regional Conferences, Roundtables, etc. that deal with Autism/Aspergers.