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Re: [astronomy-125] Astronomy Meetup: Meet and greet - when & where?

From: user 2.
Sent on: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 5:13 PM

Closer to DC is good for me. I live in VA now. Sunday is good. Not much traffic

From: Gerry <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sat, February 13,[masked]:04:39 PM
Subject: [astronomy-125] Astronomy Meetup: Meet and greet - when & where?

I would like to have a meeting where people can meet, discuss events we would like to see in the coming year, and yes, discuss equipment, and astronomy in general.

I live in Bethesda, so my preference would be for Bethesda, close to the Metro, but please feel free to suggest other venues.

I'm thinking a Friday night but what works for people?

As for events, I'm partial to stargazing/camping weekends where we can do other things during the day. What other types of events would people like to see?

Please let me know.


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