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Happily Ever After Divorce Support Group Webinar

Photo of Sara Khaki
Hosted By
Sara K.
Happily Ever After Divorce Support Group Webinar


Happily Ever After Divorce Support Group
People often go through a season in life that is unplanned and unexpected. They are often left feeling hopeless and full of unanswered questions. At the Atlanta Divorce Law Group, we see this with many of our clients. It is human nature to ask “Why” and expect to get an answer. This state of mind is amplified during times of stress, and in our case, divorce and child custody situations. As we’ve worked with clients over the years, we’ve learned that, more often than not, we rarely get a satisfying answer to the “Why” thus making it difficult to find closure and move forward with the next chapter of life.

The purpose of this support group is to help individuals going through a divorce, or who are divorced, get past the question of “Why” that keeps them focused on the past and start looking towards what the future can hold. It’s an opportunity to meet with people who can empathize with your experience and gain a support system to focus on your Happily Ever After Divorce®. It’s a safe haven to explore your feelings of anger, bitterness, sadness, and grief over the future that was lost. It’s a community to work towards hope and joy in what is to come, to grow as a person, and discover what new opportunities are out there just waiting for you to grab hold.

ADLG is excited to be partnering with Kathleen Shack, MS, LMFT in hosting this support group. Kathleen is an experienced Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Gottman Couples Therapist, Certified Discernment Counselor, Collaborative Divorce Coach, Child Specialist, and Registered Divorce Mediator. She is the Founder and CEO of Family Solutions Counseling, LLC. She will be moderating the support group and leading discussions on various topics during each session. We are so honored that she is sharing her experience with our firm and support group members.

To learn more about Atlanta Divorce Law Group and to RSVP to the event visit our website:

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To learn more about Kathleen Shack visit her website:

Photo of Atlanta Divorce Law Group Meetup group
Atlanta Divorce Law Group Meetup
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