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Blogger Anyone?

From: Rosemary J.
Sent on: Monday, November 2, 2009, 4:41 PM
Does anyone use Blogger? My day job is working for Georgia Perimeter College where I am the Web Content Editor. We host a blog on blogger:

Unfortunately on the nav bar, it lists a next blog option. When you click on that button it picks up random blogs from blogger. The bad part of that is that some of the random content is pornagraphic or just inappropriate to connect to a college blog. I went into the Dashboard and thought I was able to deactivate this feature but it did not work. Any suggestions would be helpful.? I'm more of a Wordpress person - that's what I use for my industry blog The Sexy Geek Files so I'm not really knowledgeable about Blogger.

Rosemary Jean-Louis
Chief Consultant/Writer/Geek
The Geek Treatment
[address removed]

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