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Re: [fishing-89] If you want to cast and fish at Frog Hollow Sunday the 22nd please read.

From: Rene J. H.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 11, 2015, 10:13 PM
Great John,

Good to hear from ya.  I will post the event after I send out an email this weekend.


On Mar 11, 2015, at 9:55 PM, John Laymac wrote:


I would like to fish if there is room. 

John L. 

On Mar 11, 2015, at 9:07 PM, Rene J. Hesse <[address removed]> wrote:

Would you like to do some casting and fish for trophy trout? It feels good out side and we can reserve the river for Sunday March 22.  At this point I will let the group know my intent but not open it up for registering.  I want to see if we can do a lunch  too or just bring our own and that will determine the rod fee/lunch fee.

Generally it is $75 to fish and we have 8 guests.

If you will be interested let me know and send your comments to me about weather you would rather have 10 folks but drop the price to $60?

You will be doing an hour and a half casting clinic on fishing casts.  The Bucket Cast, Reach Cast, Hauling and Off Shoulder Wind Casts.  We can play with anything else you may want to work on.  Let me know and we can do it.

Then we will fish for trophy trout at Frog Hollow for the afternoon.

So please email me and let me know if you are interested, if you want 8 or 10.  Then let me know if you want to put in $5 more for a lunch ($65 or $80).  I  will open the registration in a few days after I send out a date and time of the open registration.

Thanks for your input,



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