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New Meetup: August Skeptics in the Pub: The Ghosts of Watertown

From: Christian W.
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 7:40 PM
August Skeptics in the Pub: The Gho?

Announcing a new Meetup for Atlanta Skeptics!

What: August Skeptics in the Pub: The Ghosts of Watertown

When: August 15,[masked]:00 PM

Manuels Tavern
602 N. Highland Ave
Atlanta, GA 30307

Join us at Manuel's on Saturday, August 15, as Blake Smith (co-host of the new podcast Monster Talk) talks about his investigation into the Watertown Ghosts!

In 1924, an accident aboard the oil tanker S. S. Watertown resulted in the death of two crewmen. James Courtenay and Michael Meehan were asphyxiated by fumes in an empty hold and subsequently buried at sea. In the following days various members of the crew began to see the faces of the crewmen bobbing in the water off the side of the ship. This continued until the ship passed through the Panama Canal and came back to port in New Orleans. When the captain of the ship gave this report to officers of the company they asked him to take a camera with him when he returned to the Pacific and see if he could get a photo.

So it came to pass that when they returned to the area where the two men had been sent to their watery grave the faces appeared again and six photos were taken. On return to New Orleans five photos showed only choppy water but the sixth showed the faces of the two phantom sailors, mouths agape in silent screams.

Or so the story goes?

Find out the facts behind what has been called one of the best ghost photos of all time when you hear the gripping story of ?Doctor Atlantis and the Case of the Watertown Ghosts!?


We will finally do the drawing for the Star Party ticket, the Playing Gods board game, the Galileo telescope, and the Starbucks gift basket!

RSVP today!

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