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Hiring Sr Flex/JSP Developer or Architect roles with major financial institution [masked]K+ DOE) NYC

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 2:51 PM

Hi There, I would love to get the word out about full-time, permanent opportunities for Senior Flex/Java engineers/architects with a well-respected, major Financial Institution in NYC.  They are currently building out the largest Flex-based application in the world (trading app across all asset classes).  I have a direct relationship within the company and can arrange an interviews immediately.  Please contact Lisa Wood:[masked] OR [address removed]


This is an extremely urgent hires, in fact there is a need for about 5 expert flex/java engineers at present.  This is an incredible opportunity to work on a very large-scale, highly important engineering effort within the firm.  Unprecedented funds are being allocated toward this effort in 2010 alone.  I really look forward to hearing from any interested parties.


**I am also offering $1000 referral fees for these positions**


Job Title: Senior Flex/Java Developers: NYC Full RELO up to 20K, Sponsorship OK if at least 3 yrs left on H1


Our Fixed Income Trading group is embarking on a large initiative to revamp and expand its digital product offering to support the existing client business. This offering will comprise of a new client facing Fixed Income trading application, for our institutional client base. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a dynamic team, on a highly visible, ‘green field’ development.


Skills Required:


-          Strong Flex & AS3 Experience & Java/JSP


o   We are looking for senior Flex developers/team lead to build the UI for a multi-product, multifunctional rich internet application. The latest web technology is required to support real-time pricing, electronic trading, analytics and charting, content and various communication media. The mission critical application must be able to perform to set SLA for performance and scale.  


o    The candidate should be able to work independently, have an outstanding track record, and be comfortable working in an Agile environment. The Matrix system is developing rapidly across multiple businesses and the UI strategy must be scalable across many products. They should be able to communicate effectively with business analysts, interpreting their requirements, and working with other internal and external development managers.  The individual must be technically excellent in the following: Flex 3.0 and design patterns


Skills Desired:


-     The candidate should have a good understanding of large-scale, enterprise applications. It is a huge plus if you have working knowledge of the institutional trading business for Interest rate and credit products, and have a proven history building complex applications.



Lisa R Wood

CEO & Founder, Stafftopia, Inc





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