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You look great in pictures...

From: Eric J. E.
Sent on: Thursday, May 29, 2008, 10:22 PM
Hi Everyone,
Our sponsor has produced a promo video for our meetup. A lot of shootout models made the cut and we think you all look great. The video is on the "about us" link on our meetup page and it's on youtube here.
Feel free to link to this video or steal it if you'd like.
Also send the link if you'd like to help us get others involved in the meetup.

Thanks to for producing this for our group.

What is ?
SimplePhoto is located right here in Atlanta Ga. We offer photo e-commerce and consulting to photographers, a top quality marketplace of products, and as mentioned before - art quality pro prints delivered to your home or studio. Models can use the SimplePhoto PrintShop to get super-stylie metallic prints for their portfolios. We meet MeetUp members at our offices during the week by appointment. If you'd like to come see us, just let us know - sales AT simplephoto DOT com or We'd be happy to meet with you.

For those who hate spam: SimplePhoto thanks you for allowing us to promote our services to MeetUp members. in exchange for your understanding, we promise to be brief and polite with our promos! We hope you enjoy the video...

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