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We did it again...

From: Eric J. E.
Sent on: Thursday, June 28, 2007, 4:49 PM

Yesterday's MeetUp was really great,
and the best attended to date. I'm only bummed I was too busy meeting everyone to shoot anything myself!

5 great models, a MAC make-up pro, a DJ, and over 50 photographers of all levels. Best of all it all stayed attitude-free. Even the pocket camera shooters were getting in on the action.

And how great were the models? Even if you don't shoot fashion, you have to say it's fun to be the "papparazzi" for the day. Others brought portfolios and laptops for sharing.

Pros like Paul Hu and Stephen Becker were helping out. David Snyder brought some cool toys for everyone to see.

I see a cool thing happening here!

Everyone should feel free to add some photos to an exsisting photo album or start a new photo album so we can all see sample of what we are doing. We can't wait to see what you shot. Garrin, Paul and Carson have already posted some great stuff. You fellas are really fast at processing your stuff! Way to go.

Special thanks to Carson for getting his model/clients to come out. Everyone should buy carson a beer next month!

I'm making sure each model joins the group so we can contact them and send them some photos.

I'm looking forward to the August lighting seminar. We hope you are too.

Atlanta Model Meetup and Shootout

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